Two different guys with strong personal and professional backgrounds in branding, fashion, street couture and sneakers. From the opposite corners of the world. Living different lifestyles.
But one set of strong mutual values, and the true belief to convince people to “Buy Better”. The profound goal of providing timeless quality products that will last and will do nothing less but to be loved by you. Made with quality, love, respect and with everything that is “better” for you and the planet.

Vivienne Westwood once said very correctly: "Buy less, choose well and make it last."
We believe that a price – driven way of marketing, with the constant and unlimited availability of products is no longer appropriate. It is just too much and it comes at the price of exploitation of people and resources. The change in the values of consumers has long since taken place, especially in urban areas. Not simply buying, but buying better and smarter is already a movement in a vastly growing part of consumers around the world.
Unlike the despicable rules of fast fashion where nothing counts, but to sell fast and cheap, we value craftsmanship and the attention to detail. Every single detail to every product is done by our designers and craftsmen who have a lifetime of experience in their fields. In combination with our different creative and cultural backgrounds, adding a level sophistication to, not only our products. We don’t want to devalue the craft that goes into making each piece. Therefore, the prices may be a little higher, but appropriate to the effort that went into making the products.

Our products are not the only protagonist of our brand, but also our services. We believe in the Japanese philosophy “Omotenashi” when it comes to services. We treat our products and our partners with care; therefore, we will deliver the product that will bring “a moment of joy” to our customer’s life. We promise to deliver these unique and memorable experiences at every touchpoint of our brand.

Fair and Sustainability is a must-have nowadays, in some regions, more than others. Sustaiability is always in the back of our head. "How can we make it more sustainable? But without compromising the quality of the product?". We are still in the journey of finding THE material that is sustainable and durable without compromising the quality.