Less is more – when you hear this phrase, you probably think that it doesn´t make any sense. In our materialistic world with so many possibilities and services, we can have, achieve and earn much more. But if you will stop for a minute and think a bit deeper about it, you will realize, it is not something that will bring us happiness in the long-term perspective. The philosophy “Less is more” could open the new perception of life, where you still have everything you want and enjoy it at the same time. And we are ready to share the essentials of “less-is-more” approach with you 😊
Before sharing the fundamental ideas of this philosophy, let´s have a quick look on the actual meaning and origins of this phrase.
"Simplicity is better than elaborate embellishment."
This expression first appeared in a poem by Robert Browning, Andrea del Sarto, in the year 1855.
"Yet do much less, so much less…Well, less is more, Lucrezia; I am judged."
Later on, in 1947, this phrase was actually used in by an architect, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who led the way with minimalist architectural design - rethinking every element used in a building to serve multiple purposes.
In our modern world this approach was spread out on many areas like interior design, fashion, cookery and became a life philosophy as well. This life philosophy reflects on the simplicity and brilliant subtlety of the feeling and appreciation of just being alive in the dreams that can be chosen and shaped to bring about a meaningful way to value your time with a better appreciation of the simple things in life. (Credit)
We, at Orilabo Project, chose three bullet points that give us a good feeling and make our life better.
Doing Less
When we are talking about productivity, an average person in 21st century will think directly that without working hard, he/her will never get to the success and have his/her dream life. But if we will tell you, it is not true. Instead working hard, try to work smart. And instead planning most of the time, focus on doing. Work 4 hours smart and you will still have time to live your life and embrace the moments of joy. Be productive in a new way. Less stress – more space for creativity.
Buying Better
Really, what we need to be doing, is buying less, but buying more of what we love. Buying timeless, key pieces that will always look good, investing in quality that will last and investing in things that spark excitement when we look at them. Things that bring us unforgettable experience like Orilabo pieces.
Nourishing your relations
Determined values are the essential part of conscious life. What does it mean exactly? When we know that family, moments of joy, love to details, craftsmanship and sustainability are the construction stones of our every-day and business life, we have that focus. We center our attention on less, but again getting more, because only the products, situations and mindsets that are align with our values, stay in our focus. In that way, we nourish what is important for us with respect to quality rather than quantity.
The approach of less is more is based on the idea that by having less, you get more clarity in your mind and more space for your priorities
Orilabo Book Recommendation: "Less is More How Degrowth Will Save the World" by Jason Hickel
Where to buy: thalia.de