Summer is such a nice word, feeling, sound and such a delightful taste. The feeling of long warm nights, sun on your skin and of course sand under your feet. When we talk about the sound of the summer, the first association, which comes up in our minds is the sound of the calm sea early in the morning. But the most exciting part of the summer is its taste. Undoubtedly, Orilabo Project goes for the taste of the cold and refreshing ice-cream. We, at Orilabo, love to explore unknown places in our Cologne city and today is not an exception. We picked the most interesting, delicious and unusual ice-cream shops and are ready to share it with you!
You can't buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream, and that is pretty much the same thing
1. Eiscafe Cortina
Our first highlight of the ice-cream tour was the Eiscafe Cortina. And definitely, you can not NOT to notice it. The big terrace with blue, pink, light-green tables and the entrance flowers - is, immediately, an eyecatcher. When you go inside, you have a feeling that it couldn´t be sweeter, and we don´t mean just interior, but also workers and this vitrine with endless types of ice-cream. We had a really italian feeling there. Eiscafe Cortina offers some small events like Donut pop-up Sundays, where you can try a mad combination of donut and ice cream in your cone. And we like a bit of madness. But if you are not in the mood to sit there, or eat the ice-cream on the way, Eiscafe Cortina found an alternative for you - gelato to-go. The perfect option for ice-cream at home, just feel free to use the ice-cream machine on the way out.
- "Two scoops of lemon and mango sorbet, please!"
Orilabo recommends: lemon sorbet, dark chocolate
2. IL Gelato di Ferigo
The next ice-cream jem, which is located in the south part of the city and not so easy to find, but totally worth it. The ice-cream manufacture with the history and real experience. But the most exciting part of our experience by IL Gelato di Ferigo is a crazy combination such as rocket-papaya, asparagus or turkish fig sorbet....yes you heard it right. This kind of ice-cream is made for real foodies. The friendly worker of this place told me that the chef is loving to give that feeling of authentic explosion in your mouth.
These guys offer vegan, lactosefree options, use only natural components and provide ice-cream without artificial aromas.
So, go and get your explosion!
Orilabo recommends: sweet fig sorbet
3. Ice-cream Kiosk Schmitz
Another must-visit-and-try is a Kiosk Schmitz on the Dürener Street. This cute little place, which is a combination of ice-cream bar and small cafe with variety of cakes and quiche. Just grab rhubarb sorbet, favorite book, sit on the sunny terrace and enjoy this moment. Such a peacful place.
Orilabo recommends: fresh rhubard sorbet
4. Ais Baby
Interesting fact about this ice-cream cafe is that we found it accidentally and it was the best thing that could happened to us. These guys have been opened since couple of weeks and are located in the heart of Chlodwigplatz. We must say, this is the pure expression of authenticity. First the interior, as soon as you enter the place, you have the feeling that you are in a movie theater: the chairs, the pictures. Then you go and see the big vitrine with all possible kinds of ice-cream. So you order and then you pay not for the scoop, but for the weight of the ice-cream....something unusual, the same as cucumber ice-cream that they offer. The street, urban design in the form of cinema, a great choice of fresh ice-cream, nice smell of good espresso and love to the details. It is definitely our place to enjoy after-work ice-cream in the summer.
- "One scoop of plum sorbet, please!"
Orilabo recommends: sweet-sour plum sorbet
@ishika – Thank you so much for your comment! Really appreciate it and we will definitely update you on more ice cream places, not only in Cologne but also from around the world! :) Thank you so much for your input! :)
I have always loved eating ice cream and whenever I get a chance I never miss eating ice cream and your ice cream taste and recipe is really amazing I hope you will give us more delicious ice cream information in future.